I like grilling stuff. Yes, yes…I’m aware the experts say burgers and steaks are best cooked in a hot cast iron skillet in their own fat. I’m not saying they’re wrong - I cook that way sometimes, too. However, there’s something about the little charred bits and the smoky flavors that makes grilled things rock.
I like to marinade before grilling. Marinating imparts wonderful flavors into your food, tenderizes, and helps keep foods juicy.
Real interest in preparing food (and being good at it) hit me when I was in high school. One of my best friends back then was a guy named Joe, and we’re still the closest of friends today. Back in nineteen-eighty-something, Joe’s mom shared her teriyaki recipe with me. Frankly, it kicks ass.

Here’s the foundation recipe:
1 large clove of garlic - minced or pressed
1 TBS ginger
1 TBS sugar
2 TBS cider vinegar
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup white wine
Now, I’m sure there’s a purist or two out there who’ll say, “Hey man, that’s not a true teriyaki sauce.” To those people, I say - fine. Rename the recipe to a name of your choosing, and call it your own...but try it! It's tasty!
Back in nineteen-eighty-something I didn’t care about sugar, but if you watch sugar these days like I do, please know this works great with splenda instead. Also, if I have plenty of marinating time - I like to use fresh ginger instead of dry. Most times, I add some black pepper, too.
Chicken and beef both get very happy bathing in this concoction. I have also used it on venison, shrimp, tuna, and vegetables. Have fun with it!