Thursday, July 26, 2012

Job Requirements Met

I don't write as often as I might like, and when I do - it's often about coffee.  Anyone who knows me knows my love of coffee. 

This morning a friend sent me a very funny joke about coffee.  The setting for the joke was that of a job interview...and it triggered a memory of I job interview I had many years ago.

The interview was with a small company, and the man interviewing me was the president - his name is Bill.  My friend Greg referred me for the position, and told me Bill was a funny, quirky guy...but I'd not met him prior to the interview. 

I walked into Bill's office, we exchanged pleasantries, and I handed him a copy of my resume.  He asked that I sit down and he looked over my credentials for a minute or so.  He then said, "So - you were referred by Greg?  You worked with him?"  I told him yes, and gave a little background on the work Greg and I did together.

Bill said, "Good.  Can you cuss and drink coffee?” to which I smiled and told him, "Yes, sir."

Bill then said, "Good.  You're hired."

End of interview.